Senior's Singles League

Last update: July 1 2017, 1:17 PM

Season #5, Round #1
Number of days before the end of this round 0
Number of matches played 10
Percentages of matches played 33%

Division A
Matches played: 33% Results
Rank Player Matches Points Perc. MaR RhC NaL RoB YvF PiL
1 Yvon Fontaine 3 52 66 7-10 10-4 10-3
2 Marcel Robichaud 2 38 75 10-3 10-7
3 Nancy Lowery 3 31 31 3-10 10-8 4-10
4 Roger Buckland 2 19 27 8-10 3-10
5 Rhéal Caissie 0 0 0
6 Pierre Landry 0 0 0

Division B
Matches played: 50% Results
Rank Player Matches Points Perc. LeL MiF GiV RoG GuR ArL
7 Michel Frenette 3 50 63 10-6 10-8 10-8
8 Leckie Langley 3 47 58 6-10 10-7 10-4
9 Roger Grant 2 23 37 7-10 8-10
10 Arsène LeBlanc 2 20 30 4-10 8-10
11 Gilles Volpé 0 0 0
12 Guy Richard 0 0 0