Senior's Singles League

Last update: June 28 2015, 1:49 AM

Season #3, Round #1
Number of days before the end of this round 0
Number of matches played 11
Percentages of matches played 37%

Division A
Matches played: 17% Results
Rank Player Matches Points Perc. HaB PiL PaL GuV YvB
1 Pierre Landry 1 18 70 10-6
2 Paul Lennox 1 10 30 6-10
3 Guy Vautour 0 0 0
4 Yves Boudreau 0 0 0
5 Harry Brown 0 0 0

Division B
Matches played: 67% Results
Rank Player Matches Points Perc. DaB MiF DaB ArL MaS
6 Michel Frenette 3 42 50 5-10 6-5 10-6
7 Daniel Bourque 2 29 52 10-5 6-10
8 Marco Shaw 2 28 50 10-6 6-10
9 Danny Babineau 1 13 45 5-6
10 Ars�ne LeBlanc 0 0 0

Division C
Matches played: 60% Results
Rank Player Matches Points Perc. YvF GiV PaG StR MaR
11 Marcel Robichaud 3 59 78 10-1 10-9 10-3
12 Yvon Fontaine 3 44 53 10-9 10-0 1-10
13 Gilles Volp� 2 35 67 10-2 9-10
14 Patrick Gould 3 26 23 9-10 2-10 3-10
15 Stephen Rae 1 4 0 0-10